Monday, October 3, 2011

Makeup Work for Dance

ANYTIME you are absent, you need to access this blog and do a makeup assignment- each one is worth 40 points (2 days) and you cannot do the same thing twice, but in a vague research assignment (research a choreographer) then you can do a different choreographer the second time through.

Option 1
Select a musical that was produced between 1920 and 1980.
Youtube search 2 musical numbers from this show and watch them.
Give the URL (website address) for each piece and the title.
How did the routine expand the story?
What did you like about the routine?
What did you not connect with?
Who was the choreographer of this show? What other work have they done?

Option 2
Select a choreographer (google famous choreographers)
Youtube search 2 pieces that this choreographer has worked on.
Critique both pieces, putting the URL (website address) for the video, and the title of the piece
How were these pieces similar?
What are some style nuances this choreographer seems to have?
What do you like about their choreography?
What influences do they list behind their choreography? (do some research on biographical info for the person)

Option 3
Select a dance genre (Ballroom, Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Broadway, etc) and research the following
Where does this style get its roots?
How did it become popular?
Who are some pioneers for this dance style?
What are some hallmarks of this style of dance? (tells a story, short quick movements, etc)
What do you like about this style of dance?

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